Even in today’s modern world, female leaders face more discrimination and obstacles than their male counterparts. The lack of major female representation in cabinets and high posts proves this statement. Valerie Jarrett is a major exception to this norm. She is a businesswoman and a former government official who served as the senior advisor to Barack Obama during his term. In fact, she was included amongst the longest-serving senior advisor for then-President Obama.
Truly, Valerie Jarrett is an inspiring woman. This accomplished government official did her undergraduate from Stanford University, where she graduated with Bachelors of Arts. Later, Valerie joined Michigan Law School and got into politics in 1987 while working for Mayor Harold Washington. While she was accountable for law firms, she also held the post of deputy corporation counsel for finance and development.
Apart from that, Valerie Jarett is also a successful author and has published an autobiography. Taking a glance at her astounding achievements makes her a source of inspiration. How much is her net worth till 2021?
In this article, we have gathered much information regarding her life partner and parents.
Parents and Family
Valerie June Jarrett was born on the 14th of November 1956 in her birth town of Shiraz which is located in the Imperial State of Iran. Though born in Iraq, she was born to her American parents, James E. Bowman and Barbara T. Bowman. The family lived in Iran, but when Valerie was still young, they relocated to London for a year and then moved to Chicago in 1963.
Both of her parents came from different backgrounds. However, they both were activists and hardworking individuals. Firstly, her father, James, was a medical worker who served as a physician, specialist in pathology, hematology, and genetics. Also, reports claim that James was a professor of pathology and genetics at the Pritzker School of Medicine at the University of Chicago.
He even ran a hospital for children in Shiraz in 1956. It was a part of a developmental program where American physicians and agricultural experts lent a hand in developing countries like Iran’s health and farming efforts.
Talking about her mother, she was no less of a social worker. Barbara was an advocate of early childhood education, the author of her books, and a professor. Along with her partners, she co-founded the Erikson Institute in Chicago, Illinois, in 1966. Apart from this, she also wrote several books containing the importance of early education, education equality for minorities, and low-income children.
Lastly, Valerie belongs to her African-American and European descent family. According to the DNA testing done in the television series Finding Your Roots, Jarrett contains 49% European, 46% African, and 5% Native American descent.
Valerie Jarett Husband
As successful as Valerie is in her career, the same cannot be said when it comes to her married life. Taking some time off her busy schedule, Valerie married William Robert Jarrett in 1983. William was a Chicago-born doctor who was the son of Chicago-Sun Times reporter Vernon Jarrett.
Profession-wise, William was a doctor who worked as a director of Obstetrics and Gynecology at Jackson Park Hospital. He did his schooling at Roosevelt University and later pursued medical studies. Finally, he graduated from Abraham Lincoln School of Medicine at the University of Illinois.

Sadly, he is no longer with us as he passed away at 40 due to cardiac arrest.
Married Life and Divorce
In her new book Finding My Voice, Valerie does not hold back in talking briefly about her marriage.
It seems that the former lovebirds were childhood friends and knew each other very well. In fact, William lived right next door. Without giving any thought, Valerie tied the knot with William. But little did Valerie know the level of commitment marriage demands.
Obviously, things did not work out well. Despite knowing each other for ages, their relationship came to an end when they decided to split in 1987. Their divorce was finalized in 1988. She hinted that William was an emotionally absent husband, which might have been the reason behind the divorce. Valerie has never remarried after her divorce. Instead, she became involved in politics, and her major focus after the divorce was to help people.
Nonetheless, the former couple gave birth to a daughter named Laura Jarrett. At the moment, she is a reporter at CNN.
Net Worth and Salary
Vаlеrіе Јаrrеtt hаѕ еаrnеd gооd rеwаrdѕ frоm hеr саrееr, аnd сurrеntlу, ѕhе hаѕ аn еѕtіmаtеd nеt wоrth оf $2 mіllіоn, аѕ оf Арrіl 2021. While she was resuming work in an office, her salary was about $172,000 per year.
Moreover, shе оwnѕ 10,000 unіtѕ оf LYFТ ѕtосk wоrth оvеr $870,427 аnd оvеr the course of 13 уеаrѕ, ѕhе hаѕ ѕоld LYFТ ѕtосk wоrth оvеr $889,857. We know that Valerie is also a businesswoman. Hence, in аddіtіоn tо thаt, ѕhе еаrnѕ $225,385 аѕ Іndереndеnt Dіrесtоr аt Lуft.